
±0 wire ware

industrial design

Designed by Japanese master Naoto Fukasawa, the ±0 (Plus Minus Zero) wire ware collection consists of beautifully simple black wire tableware objects (a bread basket, a toast stand, an egg cup and an egg carton) that you wish you'd thought of first.

Plus Minus Zero seeks, essentially, balance as a leitmotifWith their brand and their ±0 symbol they want to communicate the concept of just right - be it in shape, in size, or in price.

±0 believes that designing things that coexist together is natural. It’s not just about matching colors or shapes; it’s about designing the harmony between these devices and life.

Photography via designboom.

Minimalissimo is founded on the kindness and support of Aaron Phelan and 26 others. If you enjoy what we’re doing, consider joining this group.
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