
Studio Färg & Blanche have designed this stunning modern rocking chair as a reaction to the dwindling rocking chairs available in the furniture market today. According to Färg & Blanche:
Being rocked as a means of relaxation or comfort is a timeless, basic human experience. Though at some time in the early 20th century the design development of the rocking chair stopped. Rocking chairs frequently remain in an ornate, salon mode. Fredrik Färg’s Rock Chair is a rocking chair for our own time. It continues the traditional rocking chair’s comforting function but in a modern design.
Rock Chair is an elegant design composed of simple elements. The chair is sold in a flat pack that contains five pieces. The pieces easily fit together and the finished chair reveals its construction. Accordingly, the process of assembly becomes a design feature. The viewer understands the process by which the chair came together because nothing about the construction is hidden from sight. Rock Chair has an ease and simplicity about it. I love its clever functionality, and its classic charm ensures it will fit in well with any living environment. Rock Chair even comes with corresponding cushions in either leather or canvas, to allow to for the most comfortable and stylish of rocking experiences.