Works in Paper

Rene Schwolow’s Units of Time assembles as a triage of time telling line work. Made of powder-coated aluminum, the series of time telling devices are intended as a series of wall clocks with continuous sweeping elements.
German-based designer, Schwolow is playing with time and its ephemeral nature through form. She plays with the idea of time being a notion that exists through the physical manifestation of its present through the clock. Units of Time discusses the subject of experience and perishability of time, as well as its apparent non-existence. Each piece of the series shows one element of time; hour, minute and second.
Schwowlow is pushing the boundaries of our conceived notions through the simplification of something that truly has the power to control our actions. Through this simplification and stripped back motion, perhaps she is also asking us to see the beauty in time also; piece by piece.
Photography courtesy of Rene Schwolow.