Terence Woodgate
Industrial Designer

Originally a professional sculptor, Swiss born artist Fabian Bürgy is devoted to independent productions of digital images and environmental installations. His work explores the aesthetic of things through random encounters of various materials, misplaced situations and spatial relations. Bürgy creates conceptual situations inspired by a wide range of everyday objects and appearances. A slightly violent transformation process, misplacement and dysfunction of things characterise all. He takes specific thoughts and develops conflicts with precise minimalistic means, constantly exploring the point where known things become something else when reaching metamorphosis.
It is becoming increasingly difficult to discern what is real and what is not with the substantial use of new technologies, digital simulation, and post-production. Fabian Bürgy tries to give us his solution. Through his works, the very concept of “real” is questioned. Its white rooms, with virtual installations are digitally created. At the same time, we know that some of them, maybe all of them, or perhaps none, have been reproduced in the anagogic world. However, according to Bürgy, it does not matter. No matter what is created, what is important is the concept behind the art.
The work of Bürgy gives the idea of something that should not be there. Something that has the right to exist, but not where Bürgy places it. Sometimes you may not understand the real existence or the situation he creates due to the quality of the post digital production.
An empty white room seems to be filled with black liquid, a lonely cloud of smoke, intertwining tracks of car tires, and abandoned heavy duty mobile step ladders. Do all this exist or not? Where is the truth, where is the imagination? It simply does not matter, as we are only concerned by the existence of minimalism.