Diagonal House
En Route Architecture

Nestled on a rural estate in Cuenca, Spain, this elegant minimal chapel has been designed by Madrid-based architecture firm Sancho-Madridejos. The chapel, which jointly includes a family house, is developed from a single curved fold, conceptually and in its approach related to the Chapel in Valleacerón. These folds need to be built in reinforced concrete so that they may work in a single and correct fashion. Likewise, structure, shape, and space are developed from the same gesture. Light allows this space to be appreciated in its full character. It is roofed with a double dome in concrete that divides the two parts of the house: the public and private areas.
In this project, the curved fold is a response to complex external stresses of a topological action. It is not an origami, rather it is a formal topological expression—in structural equilibrium—that responds to these outer strains.