ITO Bindery Memo Block

Ryoji Ikeda is one of the most innovative electronic musicians who has a worldwide impact on electronic music development. The Paris based Japanese artist is one of the earliest to reduce electronic music to sheer ultrasonics, frequencies and tonal variations. His work has been internationally exhibited, toured and released.
Datamatics is a series of work that takes live, present data as a source to generate visuals and music. Ikeda pushes the limit of minimalism by combining abstract and mimetic presentations of matter, time and space and uses the least of graphics to visualize them.
The idea of turning the invisible to visible and how the visualized result interacts with a 3D space and human being offer a powerful and deep reflection of our living in this data exploding century.
Ryoji Ikeda's latest solo exhibition The Transfinite will find its way to the Park Avenue Armory, New York from May 20 to June 11, 2011.
Photos courtesy of Liz Hingley, Ryuichi Maruo (YCAM) & Forma