Hemisphere Bowl

Charles Kalpakian is a Lebanese product designer who draws his inspiration from the ornamentation of his home country and the streets of France to produce a hybrid of cultures, resulting in beautiful products that have drawn notable recognitions.
Returning to Milan Design Week 2016 back in April, Kalpakian unveiled a suspended 3tubes light as a new addition to the Nemo collection. Simple and elegant, 3tubes hangs in the air like a flying hummingbird that got caught in the moment. The lights are separated into three parts, each pointing at a different angle — mimicking the graphical axis. Together, they form an interwoven whole that emit a soft and uniformed illumination, as attention-demanding as classical chandeliers. According to Kalpakian, 3tubes is an evolution of his previous 2tubes design. It was a brilliant decision to elongate the form in order to communicate a sophistication and a freedom that 2tubes did not have.
Although the design is available in all white aluminium, the version that incorporates copper caught my eyes due to its smart colour combination. With the warmth of copper, 3tubes gains a new depth that transcends the space with its minimal beauty.