
Bruno Drummond & Gemma Tickle


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You might be familiar with London-based photographer Bruno Drummond and set designer Gemma Tickle's work through their contribution to Printed Pages magazine's spring 2014 edition, but the pair's collaborations span many other playful projects.

Very informed by a minimalist aesthetic, their collaborations often use graphic, formal arrangements, clean sharp angular lines, plain untextured surfaces, and as with Printed Pages, repeat the same elements again and again as a stylistic device.

Continuing my on-going investigation about the process behind minimalistic work, Bruno shares with us that he wouldn't necessarily describe their process as minimalist — It is often quiet elaborate, with ideas being discussed extensively but it does tend to result in a specific vision prior to shooting. 

A lot of the work is pre-visualised with ideas, materials, colours and lighting discussed in advance, although they always leave room for the unexpected, which isn't surprising considering the joyful nature of their work. Unsurprisingly, their individual portfolios boast several other beautifully simple projects — head over to be further visually delighted!

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