White Collection

One for the minimalist coffee connoisseur, the Varia VS3 (Varia Stepless 38mm) Electric Grinder utilises a sloped geometry with a 76.5° acute angle. Using this geometry also allows for ideal zero retention conditions as well as a better workflow in relation to adding coffee to the hopper, making grind adjustments, and 180° access to the dosing cup.
A minimalist approach to the user experience allows for an expression through fine details. Varia have integrated magnets into their hopper lid to connect with the hopper as well as their base to connect with the dosing cup. Non slip silicone feet are also installed on the base of the VS3.
A die-cast space-grade aluminium alloy body and all critical parts are CNC machined to 0.02mm precision tolerances providing absolute accuracy and stability when making adjustments and grinding. The main axle and driveshaft is supported by P5-grade angular contact bearings to achieve the most uniform particle size results.