
F-White House


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Designed by Takuro Yamamoto, the F-White House is located in Kashiwa, Japan. The clients requested a structure that would feel spacious and establish a sense of family unity. Takuro Yamamoto responded to this request by centering the home around a rectangular courtyard which is  rotated at an angle to the rest of the building. The angle of the courtyard divides the interior spaces. The courtyard provides the majority of natural light for the house, allowing the home to have very few exterior windows.

The F-White House is a beautiful example of how an ordinary site can inspire extraordinary creativity. From the outside, this rectangular home looks simple enough, but the interior is a complete surprise. The central courtyard makes the F-White House unique. I love how the attention is focused inwards, to the center of the home, rather than out at the street. Overall, this is a lovely, tranquil dwelling perfectly suited to the family that lives here.

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