Joe Colombo

Salone Internazionale del Mobile is the global benchmark for home furnishings and this year's edition begins tomorrow in Milan. One highly anticipated product to be presented is the new SodaStream Source system by San Francisco designer Yves Béhar as part of an installation at MOST.
The elegantly redesigned SodaStream Source is the result of a collaborative project between Béhar and SodaStream. The primary focus was on sustainability, reducing and refining the entire sparkling water and soda making experience, as well as the simplicity in aesthetics.
Béhar explains:
SodaStream uses technology to reduce the complexity and waste of sparkling water and soda, and this is the quality I focused on.
The design of Source was a process of elimination. Starting with the larger volume, we chiselled off the functional areas and sculpted transitions. Visual clarity with a single monolithic shape and a carved-out area into which the new bottle finds a home is the new visual signature. Source requires no electricity, but achieves its great feel through refined mechanical ingenuity.
A future without wasteful sparkling and soda bottles can only be welcomed. As for the appearance, who wouldn't want this sitting in their kitchen? Beautiful.