Plus Desk

MAX.TAN is one of the most reliable fashion labels when it comes to serious experimentation and poetic concepts based on ceaseless minimalism. The Autumn/Winter 16/17 collection is titled CLOISTERED, and deals with a universal longing, the longing for peace. Inspired by two very opposing uniforms — both strongly linked to the fragile question of peace — the MAX.TAN design team chose to merge elements from the worlds of military and religion:
When different beliefs are in search of a common ground, possibilities are endless.
I’m deeply impressed by the way MAX.TAN manages to juxtapose vulnerability and order in individual garments: they combine distinctly practical elements of uniforms with the fragility of fabrics like organza or pongee. Transparency is not meant to display openness, but instead humanness, with all its flaws. At the same time the transcending effect of religious habits is omnipresent in all of the compelling outfits of this collection.