House 6º
Mado Samiou Architecture

A Model is a scaled-model in life-size proportion that represents a generic contemporary domestic environment. It is not the representation of a project, but the representation is the project. A Model is a collaboration between Rad Louda and W_RKSH_P (Paul Sosson) with the help of Marie-Cecile Guyaux.
Made out of foam, A Model is a representation of a 150 sqft apartment, organized in 4 parts. The minimal and sufficiently furnished apartment provides basic functions with as added value a personal outside space. Each furniture was conceived as an archetype of its function: a chair looks like a chair, a bed like a bed.
A Model is not an utopy nor a distopy, the designers say. It is a proposal for an one bed apartment, designed as generic as possible. It can be a solution towards the current contemporary housing situation in some cities.