Pause for Harmony

House of Prayer is an unassuming structure who's function is only delineated by a subtle cross, placed on a simple tower atop of the roof. The chapel is located in the Czech Republic and designed by Fránek Architects, based in the same country. From the exterior one notices a simple, rectangular structure with an elegantly angled roof. The structure is comprised of concrete blocks, creating a sleek façade that somewhat masks the building's function.
High windows along both sides of the building and at the entrance add interest to the otherwise uninterrupted façade. Soft wood floors and trim lend a comforting aesthetic to the interior. The chapel's single room is aglow with radiant light from the many ceiling fixtures, or on a bright day, from the large but unobtrusive windows flanking both sides. Freestanding chairs offer a more flexible options than traditional pews, allowing the space to be easily rearranged depending on its desired use.
House of Prayer is a simple yet beautiful chapel that lovingly acts as a uniting force in its community.