Hoerboard Scomber Mix

A bar of soap is expectedly a straightforward product, as well as the packaging for such an everyday item. Normally stacked beside a vast wall of options in retail, colour is the preferred device to differentiate itself from saturated designs. Sometimes aiming for the complete opposite is the perfect antidote.
Designed by Manabu Mizuno for Japanese brand THE, with a mission to put forth archetypal goods, comes along THE Soap. The branding and package design says it all, as honest as a product can be: a pictogram-like representation of the soap with beautiful sans-serif typography. Shamelessly embracing the elegance and all the benefits of minimalism, their epitome for a great soap is as simple as can be; but looks can be deceiving.
THE Soap goes through a slow and unusual process for such merchandise, taking advantage of a traditional method called ‘wakuneri’. The paste is cauldron-cooked for 4 days, not satisfied, the artisans age the sculpted soap for additional 20 days. Such process guarantees far more longevity and density for the shea butter soap.
A true minimalist marvel, since there are no fragrances, artificial colouring, nor preservatives to be found; THE Soap raised the bar for simplicity with quality.
Photography courtesy of Ode to Things.